The ALTAMIRA MASTER 320 is a benchtop gas analysis system capable of sampling gases at or below atmospheric pressures. The standard version is designed for manually controlled as well as automatic analysis of non-corrosive non-flammable gases. There is also a corrosive version of the MASTER 320C, which may be suitable for some corrosive or flammable gas applications.
The MASTER 320 is comprised of an inlet system, residual gas analyzer, diaphragm vacuum pump, and turbo pump. The inlet system utilizes a heated quartz or stainless steel capillary up to 350ºC. This hea ng helps to prevent sample gas vapors from condensing during analysis. The MASTER 320 is capable of sampling in mass ranges of 1-100 amu, 1-200 amu, and 1-300 amu.
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