PP-TOFMS couples a glow discharge plasma to an ultra-fast time of flight mass spectrometer and provides chemical analysis of solid materials as function of depth.
The High-Density Plasma results in high Sputtering Rate and allows for Measuring Thick Layers up to 100 μm.
Despite the mm size crater formed, layers as thin as 1 nm are measured.
The separation of sputtering and ionization processes in the discharge volume gives the capability of a Calibration Free Semi Quantitative Analysis.
The use of pulsed RF excitation permits the analysis of conductive and insulating, inorganics, organics, and hydrides materials or layers.
In contrast with sequential mass spectrometers, TOFMS offers full mass spectrum at any depth, offering elemental (from H to U) and molecular information, including isotopic monitoring.
The Temporal Ion response over the RF source period is capitalised for high sensivity and to avoid isobaric interferences.