Total Sulfur / Nitrogen / Chlorine Analyzer
Home > Products > Elemental Analyzer >Total Sulfur / Nitrogen / Chlorine Analyzer
It automatically and quickly measures very low sulfur/nitrogen/chlorine contents in petroleum products, oils, water as well as in other products…: up to 20 ppb of sulfur and 30 ppb of nitrogen. For chlorine its detection limit is < 0.1 ppm at more than 80%. It can, moreover, be associated with the injector or the liquid sample changer, or even with the Gas/LPG sampler.
This Multi-E Analyzer allows you to:
• Reduce manipulations carried out by operators • Save time during your sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine analyzes.
• Save space in your laboratory.
• Reduce the cost of consumables and maintenance.
• Measure Sulfur, Nitrogen and Chlorine
Our Multi-E analyzer allows the analysis of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Total Chlorine.
1 ONLY device = 3 elements measured = saving time, space and money!
Sulfur and Nitrogen Analysis:
Thanks to the new generations of 2M detectors, we have developed an analyzer allowing us to measure these two elements quickly and reliably, Sulfur by UV Fluorescence and Nitrogen by Chemiliminescence.
Analysis of Total Chlorine: Multi-E in addition to Sulfur and Nitrogen, allows the determination of total Chlorine (and other halogens) by argentimetric coulometry. Its dosing capacity extends from traces (< 0.5 ppm) to basic elemental chlorine (> 80%, without dilution).
Thanks to its optimized design, you can analyze sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine at the same time. Thanks to its 2 separate combustion lines, you will be protected from any possible interference or pollution. Each combustion line has its own automatic injector with up to 6 positions.
-The Multi-E Analyzer is compatible with the standards:
-For Nitrogen: ASTM D4629, ASTM D6069, ASTM D5176, ASTM D5762, NF EN 12260
– For Chlorine: ASTM D4929, ASTM D5808, ASTM D5194, ASTM D6721, UOP 779, ISO 9562, NF EN 12260, NF EN 14077
Sulfur and Nitrogen Measurement in petroleum products, gas, LPG, organic substances, plastics…
According to regulations: ASTM D5453, ASTM D6667, ASTM D7183, ISO 20846, ASTM D4629, ASTM D6069, ASTM D5176, ASTM D5762, NF EN 12260
Measurement of total chlorine in petroleum products, LPG, Organic Substances, Plastics, water, waste, sediments, etc.
Accorading to regulations: ASTM D4929, ASTM D5808, ASTM D5194, ASTM D6721, UOP 779, ISO 9562, NF EN 12260, NF EN 14077
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